Almost 15 months after being born, Ty is finally where he belongs... HOME!!
Ty worked so hard and finally made it! He's doing so great at home with his family! I've never seen him so happy and playful! It's like he knows that this is where he's supposed to be!
It's been crazy at home... getting nursing care set up and supplies and adjusting to being home. It's been hard on all of us, but wonderful at the same time!
We couldn't have done it without the support of everyone! We got a lot of help along the way that made it possible for us to be able to stay in Iowa City while keeping our house in Port Byron. I can't even begin to thank everyone!
With a lot of help from God, our families, neighbors, friends, nurses and doctors we made it!
Now we just have to be very careful to keep Ty and all of us healthy. The next year is going to be critical to all of us. With the upcoming cold/flu season, we have to take extra precautions to keep clean and healthy.
The doctors all told us that Ty has made tremendous improvements and should be able to have a happy, healthy life.
With the nursing care that we will be receiving, and a lot of hard work we hope to be able to give Ty the happy, healthy life that he deserves.
Lindsay has had the hardest time adjusting. She's getting a new house, with a new room, and new people, and getting used to having Ty around all the time. She's working hard and will just be a matter of time before she's used to everything.
Thank you to everyone who has gone out of their way to help us. Also a HUGE thank you to the doctors and nurses that took care of Ty and helped him get this far! Ty wouldn't be alive if it weren't for them!
Please enjoy the pictures that I have posted below and continue to follow their progress on line and through e-mail.
Also please sign the guestbook below and we'll make sure that Ty gets all the messages! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
We made it home!!
I need my sunglasses to look cool for my first car ride!
Ty, Wait till you see all the fun stuff out there!
Ty this bear tells good stories!
Papaw plays real good!
Ree Ree, I made it home!
Ty and Teq meet for the first time.
Ty checking out the grass in his backyard
Ty and Dad outside
Great-Grandma Joyce knows just how to hold me!
Ree Ree and Ty ready to Play!
Ty and Dr. Klein. Dr. Klein helped Ty grow from day 1.
Ty and some of his favorite nurses (girlfriends).
Mrs. Amber, I need 1 more hug before I go!!
Ms. Gloria, you'll come visit soon!
I'm ready for a ball game.. Go Hawks!!
Lindsay and the Grandmas!
Lindsay and the Grandpas!
Papaw Ricky is a good driver!
Got my wheels and I'm ready to go!
Got to be Hawkeye fans!
Dad going home September 14th, 1977..... Ty going home September 27th, 2007.
Notice the blanket... passed on after 30 years!
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October 13th Update