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Ty and Lindsay Buffington February 2nd Update 2008

Hello! We've been doing really well and working really hard! Ty is doing great sitting up and is working on crawling and standing up. Lindsay is crawling everywhere and is trying to walk. She has discovered that she can climb up the stairs. So we've been working on catching her before she gets there!

Things have been really good! We've been home for over 4 months and have made some big strides in the right directions! Ty's trach ring has been going very good! We're up to 4 hours a day off of the vent and on Monday we'll go to 4 1/2 hours! So far Ty's done great and hasn't shown any signs of slowing down!

Lindsay is growing and getting so strong! She is very determined and is working very hard! She is crawling everywhere! She has been trying to take steps but hasn't got there yet. It won't be long!!

They are both so happy and so good! We are really blessed that they have such strong spirits! Please keep us in your prayers! We're making good progress. Again we just have to stay healthy and keep working!!

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!

I love playtime!

I'm helping momma make supper!

Dad helps me stand up! Soon I'll be able to do it on my own!

I'm breaking out and heading up these stairs!

Bath time!!

Great-Great Aunt Dorothy came to visit!

Amber and Dave!! Tell everyone in the NICU we said hello!

Miss. Carolyn! We miss you!! Tell Miss Gloria we said we miss her too!

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February 24th Update 2008
