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Ty and Lindsay Buffington February 24th Update

We've been making some good progress this past month! We're all staying healthy and will hopefully stay that way!

Lindsay and Ty have really been working hard and it is showing! Ty's sitting by him self now and is working on standing up! Lindsay is working on walking. She likes to walk with you if you hold her hand. Soon she'll be running around by herself!!

We've been trying really hard to stay healthy! The Flu is really bad up here this time of year, but we're doing everything we can to stay away from it! The snow's kept us from some of our appointments, but that may be a good thing. We really want to stay away from the hospital and all the germs that live there!

Ty and Lindsay have been working with a therapist to help development and they have been doing so good!

Please keep praying for all of us! We're on track and hope that nothing slows us down!!

Happy Valentine's day!

We love to play!

Lindsay... I don't want that hair clip!!

Ty's hiding out.. can you find him?

I'm having fun and growing big!

I'm so pretty!

Ty and Aunt Kelsi making "Itsy Bitsy Spiders"

Pretty hair bows!

Ty and Dad "fixin" some toys

Uncle Jim hanging out with Lindsay

Aunt Sue showing Ty how to make this toy work!

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March 16th Update 2008
