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Ty and Lindsay Buffington August 5th Update

This week has been really good! Ty has been making steady improvements and Lindsay has been growing like crazy!

Ty has been in the best mood and has stayed healthy! He has been playing and playing. His trach ring trials have been really good. He is up to 25 minutes a day and has been capable of going longer. We have to get up to an hour a day in order for us to go home.

As long as we keep making progress like this, then we'll be ready to go home soon! Ty has really made some great progress and and he has to stay healthy so that he can keep making progress.

Lindsay has been doing so great too! She had her last high risk doctor appointment and they say that she is doing great! All of the doctors and nurses are amazed at how well she has progressed!

Please keep praying for us. Your support means more than you know!

I'm so happy!

I like my new rocking horse.

Maybe I can go on a stroller ride soon.

Great Grandma Joyce shows me how to rock on my new rocking horse.

Let me play you a tune!

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