Ty is doing a little better. After he got over the flu, he came down with pneumonia and has been fighting that off. The doctors are trying to figure out why he is getting sick all the time and are trying a few diferent treatments to help boost his immune system. Hopefully some of these new treatments will work and he'll get well and stay well.
He's been acting really good and has been very interactive and happy. We have been playing alot with him. He is still weak from being sick so he gets tired quickly.
Lindsay has been doing good. She's been off of her oxygen support and hasn't missed it at all. We took her to the park where she got to ride a Merry-go-round and a train. Also we fed the ducks and swang in the swings.
They are both growing so big. Ty is up to 18 lbs and Lindsay isn't far behind. We are getting ready for their 1st Birthday Party. It's going to be in the NICU Conference room on July 7th. It's going to be alot of fun!
Please keep praying for them! Hopefully with these new treatments, Ty will get healthy and stay healthy. Thanks for your support and prayers!
Lindsay goes for her first 4 wheeler ride!
Hey!! Are we going to play now?
Dad can we ride again?
Mom this is so much fun!
Train rides are fun!
Dad when I wake up from my nap, can we go hunting?
What's this green stuff?
That's a funny joke daddy!
Great Grandma loves me!
I'm almost 1 year old!
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