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Ty and Lindsay Buffington June 3rd Update

Hello! We've had another setback with Ty. Believe it or not, he has caught a version of the flu. It's pretty serious but we are confident that he will be able to fight this off too.

He's such a strong little guy and is a fighter so I know he will be able to get past this! Please pray for him and that the Lord will give him strength!

He has been making alot of progress on the things that we need to do to go home. He really likes his home ventilator and the doctor decided to let him try to stay on it full time. As long as he tolerates it, he will stay on the home vent. Also we got in a special stroller for him that has a shelf that we can put the ventilator on and take him for walks. As soon as he is over his flu bug we'll be able to take him on a walk!! That will be so exciting!

Lindsay is doing good. She is working on getting that tooth in. She's been playing alot and is growing more every day!

We've not been able to get her outside much lately because the weather hasn't allowed it, but hopefully it will get nicer out and we will be able to take her out more.

Please continue to pray for them and for the doctors and nurses as they take care of Ty!

Mom gets me out of my crib and lets me play!

Me and mom like reading this story!

Bath time again?!?

So many toys to play with... so little time before my next nap!

Let's make some music!

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