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Ty and Lindsay Buffington December 17th Update

We're getting closer to Christmas and Ty and Lindsay had a special visitor!! SANTA!!! Yes... Santa made a special trip from the North Pole just to see Ty and Lindsay!

They were so excited to see Santa! It was really neat to see them get so excited! A special thanks to Santa.. AKA Jim St. Nick.

So far we've had a pretty quiet winter... besides the occasional power outage.. We've had to crank up the generator a couple of times because of power outages. The longest one lasted about 12 hours. So we all camped out in the living room with a few blankets and a couple of space heaters plugged in to the generator.

Ree Ree and Papaw came up from Mississippi to see us! We had a great time besides the power going out while they were here... Ty and Lindsay loved seeing them!

We've been able to stay pretty healthy. We all caught a stomach bug that lasted a couple of days. Luckily Ty and Lindsay didn't get very sick... Candi and I were the most sick!

We're all excited for Christmas and hope that all y'all have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season!

These pictures are so good! What a big difference from this time last year! Thank you all for your love and support! Merry Christmas!

The whole family get's a picture with Santa!

Ty and Lindsay show Santa their Christmas Spirit!

Camo-ed up and ready for an adventure!

Yeah Papaw and Ree Ree!

Playing while the power's out...

Lindsay making music with Ree Ree.

Ty's turn to make some music!

Ty rocking on his new toy!

Ty helping Nonnie open an early Christmas Present!

Lindsay playing with Toy's from Ree Ree and Papaw!

Ty playing on his tummy!

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