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Ty and Lindsay Buffington June 24th Update

Hello! There are some really good pictures below! We've had an up and down couple of weeks.

Lindsay had a doctor appointment and is now off of the oxygen support and monitors!! She's free and isn't attached to anything! She really likes it and we're really proud of how hard she worked! At the doctor appointment, they were really impressed and happy with her progress. They said that she is right on track for her adjusted age and will not have any problems at all catching up to her physical age!

Ty did a really good job getting over the flu bug, but as a side effect of the virus he now has pneumonia. So we're going through another round of antibiotics and what seems like endless IVs... He had a couple of rough days, but is acting like he is feeling a little better now.

We took Lindsay to the Quad Cities' Zoo. She was just amazed by everything! I can't wait till we can take her back! I really can't wait till all four of us can go together!!

Their first birth day is coming up soon! It has been a very difficult year for both of them and for us, but it's been amazing! So wonderful! In once sense it has flow by, but in another it has crawled by. We just so proud of them and are so blessed!

Please keep praying for them and for us! We really appreciate all the support and prayers!

Wow!! A gift for me!!!

So who wants to love on me?

Do you like my pretty hat?

It's time to play!!

I love you Grandpa Cal!

All that playing means I can take a nap!

I can brush my 2 teeth!!

Hanging out with the gals!

I'm so handsome!

Why do you make me do things like this?

Can we ride the train momma?

Oh my!! That's the ugliest puppy that I've ever seen!


Why do I have to take a bath?

I just remembered that I like baths!

I made you a card momma!

I love my new bouncy seat!

See ya later everybody!

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