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Ty and Lindsay Buffington April 5th Update 2008

Ty and Lindsay have been growing and getting stronger and smarter everyday! We're so proud of their progress!

Ty has been sitting up by him self and Lindsay has been talking and taking more steps!

Now that Ty has learned that he can sit up whenever he wants, he's been doing it alot more often! He's getting stronger every day. He's up to 6 1/2 hours a day on his trach ring!!! We have appointments on Monday with his doctors in Iowa City and they're going to be impressed with him!

Lindsay has been jabbering away!! She's learned lots of new words and has been using them! Also she has been walking more. She'll take 5-10 steps at a time now!!

We've been able to stay healthy so far and we just pray to keep going!! As long as everyone's healthy then we make good progress!

Since the weather has been getting nicer, we've been able to go outside a couple of times! We got the swings out and the wagon is ready! We're ready for more warmer days so we can go for walks!

Please keep praying for them! We're so blessed that they are doing good! Thanks for all of your support and we'll see you at the next update!

Happy Easter everyone!

Ty and Lindsay all dressed up!

Ty and Lindsay checking out what the Easter Bunny brought!

Cal and Lindsay hanging out!

Ty petting the neighbor's horse

Lindsay petting the horse

Ty makes funny faces on the glass door

Lindsay's not to be out done with her funny face!

Just a swingin'

Going for a walk

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